My favorite things about Yamagata


A museum which serves as a link between Yamagata University and the local community.

Yamagata University Museum / 山形大学附属博物館

Concierge / 佐藤琴学芸研究員

With a history of over 60 years, the Yamagata University Museum is the oldest museum in Yamagata city. We are pleased to offer a permanent exhibition consisting of invaluable plant, animal and rock specimens, earthenware and clay figures, historic documents, and paintings and sculptures which have a connection with the Yamagata region. There is also a corner which introduces the history of Yamagata University, and we look forward to welcoming many visitors to our museum.。

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  • Keppatsu Dogu / 結髪土偶

    Our museum's most popular character, this "keppatsu dogu," a clay figure of a woman with her hair tied in a topknot, dates back approximately 2400-3500 years to the late Jomon period.

  • Teachers' Rock Collection / 教員コレクション

    This collection displays the prized rocks of university staff members along with the stories behind each of them.

  • Hasedo Castle Gate / 長谷堂城の門扉

    Here we display the front gate of Hasedo Castle, a castle which existed in Yamagata approximately 400 years ago.

  • Paintings and Sculptures of Yamagata / 山形ゆかりの絵画と彫刻

    This exhibition is composed of artworks by artists hailing from Yamagata, or works which use Yamagata as their theme.

  • Special Exhibition / 特別展

    Once a year, a special exhibition is organized to display important materials and items that are not usually available for public view.


Address:1-1 Kajo-machi, Yamagata-shi

Phone number:023-628-4930

Open hour:9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Free admission

Closed weekends and national holidays , and during the New Year holiday (12/29–1/3)