A museum where you can encounter a goddess.
Yamagata Prefectural Museum / 山形県立博物館
The Yamagata Prefectural Museum encompasses the six fields of earth science, zoology, botany, archeology, history and folklore. The museum preserves and exhibits many valuable artifacts and materials of Yamagata prefecture including the Jomon no Megami ("Jomon Goddess"), a clay figure designated a National Treasure, and the Yamagata Daikaigyu ("Yamagata Great Sea Cow") fossil which Yamagata prefecture has designated a Natural Monument. For those interested in getting to know more about Yamagata's natural environment, history or culture, this museum is an excellent place to start.
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Yamagata Daikaigyu ("Yamagata Great Sea Cow") Fossil, Prefecturally-Designated Natural Monument / ヤマガタダイカイギュウ化石(県指定天然記念物)
Only one fossil of the Yamagata Great Sea Cow, a sea mammal which lived approximately 9 million years ago, has been discovered anywhere in the world. This fossil serves as a valuable resource in understanding the evolution of the sea cow species.
Jomon no Megami ("Jomon Goddess"), National Treasure / 国宝土偶「縄文の女神」
Unearthed in Yamagata prefecture, this 4500-year-old clay goddess is one of the largest clay figures to have been discovered in Japan. The Jomon Goddess has been exhibited in London, Paris and other overseas venues, attracting attention wherever she goes.
Yamagata Prefectural Symbols / 山形県のシンボル
Here, visitors can view and learn about Yamagata's prefectural symbols, including the prefectural bird (mandarin duck), prefectural fish (cherry salmon) and prefectural animal (Japanese serow).
The Bustle of the Mogami River / 最上川のにぎわい
The diorama here portrays scenes of life in Oishida, a town on the Mogami River which flourished during the Edo period, and the exhibition of articles and implements actually used in the shipping industry of the day is a highlight of this gallery.
Around the Farming Family Hearth / 農家のいろりばた
This diorama faithfully recreates an old farm house with a sunken "irori" hearth that families would gather around. Viewers of "Oshin," a classic NHK drama series which included scenes of Yamagata in the early 20th century, will recognize this type of farm house as one typical of that time period.
Address:3-4-51 Hatago-machi, Yamagata-shi
Phone number:023-645-1111
Open hour:9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (admission until 4:00)
Admission fee: adults (300 yen), university students (150 yen), high school students and under / individuals with disabilities and accompanying persons (free of charge)
Closed Mondays (or Tuesdays if Monday is a national holiday) and during the New Year holidays. May also close for maintenance or other reasons.
to go
Yamagata University Museum / 山形大学附属博物館
Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum , Guide to Lobby Area
Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum, Guide to Second Exhibition Room
Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum, Guide to First Exhibition Room
Yamagata City Local History Museum (former Saiseikan Hospital) / 山形市郷土館【旧済生館本館】
Heisenji Temple, Dainichido Hall / 平泉寺大日堂
Yamagata Museum of Art / 山形美術館
Bunshokan, Yamagata Prefecture Local Museum / 山形県郷土館 【文翔館】
Yamagata Prefectural Museum Educational Resources Museum / 山形県立博物館教育資料館
Heisenji Temple / 平泉寺